In addition to our many morning and after school activity clubs, Purbrook Junior School are pleased to provide a Breakfast/Morning Drop-Off Club from 7:45am and an After School Care Club until 4:30pm. These clubs ensure supervised care for your child before the school day starts and at the end of the day. Help is available for homework if required and organised activities take place.
With effect from September 2022 the costs will be:
- Breakfast Club (7.45am to 8.45am) £3.50 per session (this includes a healthy breakfast)
- After School Care Club (3.20pm to 4.30pm) £3.50 per session
In line with other local schools, including Purbrook Infant School, we will no longer be offering a sibling discount. Each child attending will attract the full fee.
A healthy breakfast is available for all children that attend. Sessions commence at 7:45am-8:00am and currently Breakfast/Morning Drop-Off Club is available to all pupils currently attending Purbrook Junior School only. Entry to the school is via the playground gate (opposite the pond). Sessions end when main school sessions start and the children are accompanied to their classrooms.
The daily cost is £3.50 per session (including a healthy breakfast if required). Payments are for sessions attended only. Charges are made via the child’s Parentmail account following attendance at a session; payments can either be made daily or larger amounts deposited to be used over a period of time.
After School Care Club runs from the end of the school day until 4:30pm and is available to all pupils currently attending Purbrook Junior School only. Activities including crafts and games are available during the sessions.
The daily cost is £3.50 per session until 4:30pm. Payments are for sessions attended only. Charges are made via the child’s Parentmail account following attendance at a session; payments can either be made daily or larger amounts deposited to be used over a period of time.
All staff are DBS checked, familiar with the school’s Child Protection Policy and have First Aid training. The staff/child ratio is constantly reviewed to ensure the safety of all those attending. Staff should be notified of any medical issues, including food allergies; details of these should be on your school contact forms together with relevant contact numbers for emergency use.
Emergency places are always available – please contact the school office to reserve your child’s place. Should you have any queries, please contact the school office.