Welcome to Purbrook Junior School
At Purbrook, every child really does matter. We work hard as a staff to ensure our children receive the best possible education that they will remember in years to come.
Our vision ‘Dream Big’ and three core values – Respect, Team and Achieve – are underpinned and embedded within everything that we do. Learning is focused and sharp yet exciting and stimulating, and embraces music, the arts and sport.
What makes us great
Our staff team
We have an experienced and dedicated team who pride themselves in offering high standards throughout the school. We lead by example for our children.
Our rich curriculum
Our curriculum is varied, diverse and exciting for our pupils. Lessons are enthusing, differentiated and focus on bringing new and rich experiences that will support our children as they progress throughout life.
‘Good’ Ofsted
Our most recent Ofsted inspection in February 2022 rated us as a ‘Good’ school. “The school’s warm and welcoming atmosphere is clear from the moment you arrive.”
House Points
Dates for your diary
Wednesday 3rd, Thursday 4th and Friday 5th July
Internal Transition Days
Tuesday 9th July
Sports Day
Wednesday 10th July and Thursday 11th July
Year 6 Production
Tuesday 16th July
PJSA Happy Circus
Thursday 18th July
Year 6 visit to Paultons Park
Monday 22nd July
Year 6 Leavers Awards Event
Tuesday 23rd July
Last day of summer term