“Working together builds a safe, happy and tolerant school”

At Purbrook Junior School, we instil within our children the vision of ‘Dream Big’ and that they can ‘be their best self’. Since 2021, we have been a ‘Brilliant School’ and have now adopted this within our approach to general behaviour and learning attitudes. 

We welcome children from a wide range of family backgrounds including those with additional and specific learning needs. As a fully inclusive community we encourage tolerance and patience with others and expect all adults to support this. We believe it is our responsibility to encourage all children to achieve the very best standards of behaviour and respect for their community. We want every child to feel safe and supported by all adults to develop socially and emotionally.

From time to time a pupil will exhibit behaviours that are very different from others (your child). This may be because they have special educational needs that make it more challenging for them to adhere to the same rules and expectations as others such as Autism or Asperger’s. It may also be as a result of experiences outside of the school community which have affected them and their ability to communicate socially with their peers. The school believes it has a responsibility to educate every child and to this end will make adaptations to be fully inclusive.

Where a child’s behaviour is physically or verbally challenging, the school will follow the procedures set out in the school Behaviour Policy to manage incidents and communicate with those families involved. It is important to differentiate between deliberate aggressive behaviour and impulsive or misinterpreted actions. All deliberate acts of aggression are not tolerated and will result in reprimand or further consequence. All physical incidents are investigated and reported to the class teacher or Deputy/Headteacher . Where another child is involved, hurt or upset their parent or carer will be contacted to inform them of any actions.

Rough Play

From time to time children engage in ‘rough play’. Whilst this is actively discouraged by all adults, children do not always fully appreciate the impact of their actions and need support to learn. Young children often ‘act out’ games or behaviours witnessed elsewhere and this should be understood by all adults.

Explaining and talking to children about behaviour is important. Children often misunderstand situations and frequently report incidents that may not tell the whole story. Finding time to discuss events and listen to each other will encourage understanding and minimise the emotional impact of such misunderstanding.

Support for Parents

Actively communicating with parents at the beginning of any identified concerns is important and should be encouraged. Purbrook Junior will not reveal or refer to other children by name, paying full attention to confidentiality. If a child’s behaviour becomes a greater cause for concern, we will seek advice from outside agencies that either supports a family or the school with strategies to promote positive behaviour. We encourage parents to engage in positive talk around playground incidents with their child and discourage ‘interrogation’ of issues which may inflame situations or taking matters into their own hands. Talk to the school so that we can manage issues with you.

safeguarding others

Unfortunately there may be occasions where incidents occur for any of the reasons mentioned above where another child is affected or hurt. If the normal school procedures do not safeguard others, then the school will isolate a child during unstructured times (play) or withdraw them from school for a period of time to re-allocate additional levels of supervision, where funds allow.

No Blame, Naming or Shame…

At Purbrook Junior School we believe that a child’s behaviour can be modified and enhanced through sensitivity, guidance and understanding. Labelling a child negatively by other pupils, adults or parents is unhelpful and inappropriate; it in no way reflects the vision we have of our school.

Working together builds a happy, safe and tolerant school.

Please find our school’s Behaviour Policy below.

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  1. PE days: Year 3 Mondays & Fridays, Year 4 Wednesdays & Fridays, Year 5 Tuesdays & Thursdays, Year 6 Tuesdays & Thursdays
  2. Children need only bring their reading records, lunch and water bottle to school. Stationery, large rucksacks and toys are not required. Thank you.