We are proud to offer our pupils a wide variety of sporting and other activities to enhance their school day. Opportunities are given for your child to experience a range of sports from golf and indoor bowls to football and basketball. We are a competitive school and encourage children to take part and compete at all levels.
The 3 levels of competition on offer are:
LEVEL 1 – Intra School Competition – in school between classes/houses etc.
LEVEL 2 – Inter School Competition – Gold/Silver/Bronze leagues. Children are selected to take part on behalf of our school, depending on their ability. Selection can be as part of a trial or performance at a specific After School Club or during PE sessions.
LEVEL 3 – Inter Area Competition – to qualify for this level of competition, an Inter Schools local Gold league must be won.
Current timetable 2023-2024
Musical Theatre – Performers Theatre Company
CM Sports
Karate – Sama Karate
Cross country – Sport4Primary
-After School Care Club (Monday – Friday) 3:20-4:30pm
The majority of other before and after school clubs are provided by Sport4Primary.
You can visit Performers Theatre Company’s website at www.performerstheatrecompany.com