We are proud to offer our pupils a wide variety of sporting and other activities to enhance their school day. Opportunities are given for your child to experience a range of sports from golf and indoor bowls to football and basketball. We are a competitive school and encourage children to take part and compete at all levels.

The 3 levels of competition on offer are:
LEVEL 1 – Intra School Competition – in school between classes/houses etc.
LEVEL 2 – Inter School Competition – Gold/Silver/Bronze leagues. Children are selected to take part on behalf of our school, depending on their ability. Selection can be as part of a trial or performance at a specific After School Club or during PE sessions.
LEVEL 3 – Inter Area Competition – to qualify for this level of competition, an Inter Schools local Gold league must be won.

Current timetable 2023-2024

Musical Theatre – Performers Theatre Company
                Basketball – Sport4Primary
CM Sports
Karate – Sama Karate
                  Football – Sport4Primary
Cross country – Sport4Primary

PJS administer the following clubs below:
-Breakfast Club (Monday – Friday) 7:45-8:45pm
-After School Care Club (Monday – Friday) 3:20-4:30pm
The majority of other before and after school clubs are provided by Sport4Primary.
You can visit Sport4Primary’s website at www.sport4primary.co.uk
You can visit Performers Theatre Company’s website at www.performerstheatrecompany.com
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  1. PE days: Year 3 Tuesdays & Thursdays, Year 4 Tuesdays & Wednesdays, Year 5 Mondays & Fridays, Year 6 Thursdays & Fridays
  2. We are delighted to say we are receiving a new bench courtesy of Lazy Susan Furniture. (www.lazysusanfurniture.co.uk)
  3. Children need only bring their reading records, lunch and water bottle to school. Stationery, large rucksacks and toys are not required. Thank you.