
Year 3 and 4 had a fantastic time at Butser Ancient Farm yesterday to support their Viking and Roman learning that they are currently focusing on in school. The children got involved in a range of different practical activities that really got them thinking about what life was like during these time periods. They even had the chance to see baby goats that were born only two weeks ago! The children were commended on their excellent behaviour and learning attitude. Well done!




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  1. PE days: Year 3 Tuesdays & Thursdays, Year 4 Tuesdays & Wednesdays, Year 5 Mondays & Fridays, Year 6 Thursdays & Fridays
  2. We are delighted to say we are receiving a new bench courtesy of Lazy Susan Furniture. (
  3. Children need only bring their reading records, lunch and water bottle to school. Stationery, large rucksacks and toys are not required. Thank you.